After a couple of sessions completing the interpretations and illustrations for the biodiversity garden, they are all complete! Next they will be sent to the printers to be printed and formatted on weather-proof stock so they can have a permanent home in the museum's garden.
The original illustrations are being donated to the museum, where they will also be used to aid children's art activities.
The original illustrations are being donated to the museum, where they will also be used to aid children's art activities.
Today, I assisted a member from the Mostyn Gallery in Llandudno, who came to visit the museum with his 3D photo-scanning equipment.
This involved monitoring the artefacts that were being pulled from cases for scanning. As a representative of the museum, I was in charge of moving the objects too and from cases, ensuring that proper handing methods were practiced.
These objects were then photographed under bright, clean lighting in order to create a 3D image of these for virtual use. These virtual 3D replications can then be used for AR projects and 3D printing.

I also took a visit to the art collection along with another placement student. She was searching for paintings that showed a representation of Llandudno tourism back in the 1800s.